Mario Aggressive
Responsive three-dimensional target: by means of a radio remote control you can activate the aggressive Mario target’s arms
Radio-controlled system to make the TAT3D Targets mobile. Allows you to carry all our targets.
TAT3D – Raptor Robot
The TAT3D RAPTOR target robot is an easy-to-use, radio-controlled target carrier system.
TAT3D – Scipionix Robot
The TAT3D SCIPIONIX target robot has been designed to operate in indoor environments: skill houses, trains, planes and or in all those contexts.
Cardboard body target (50 sheet)
Internal cardboard shaped to be inserted into our targets to detect the projectile entry point.
Replacement plate steel body
Replacement plate in Ardox 500 for use on bullet trap of the realistic target body.
Chest target (spare)
Central target chest with integrated internal organ display at the rear to determine accuracy and lethality .